I am an economist who specializes in the econometrics of dynamic choices and games and the computational and empirical analysis of industrial organization, insurance markets, and labor markets. At Tilburg University, I engage with faculty and students with similar interests in the Structural Econometrics Group.
I am a Professor of Econometrics. I have been at Tilburg University since 2008. Before that, I worked at VU Amsterdam, the University of Chicago, and University College London. I am a Research Fellow of CEPR and a Fellow of the IAAE and the Econometric Society. I am a Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.
I have published in Econometrica, JRSSB, Annual Review of Economics, the Handbook of Econometrics, JEEA, JBES, Economic Journal, and other outlets. My current research includes work on dynamic oligopoly, structural duration models, time preferences, student tracking, pharmaceutical R&D, and firm growth and survival.
I am currently teaching courses in Dynamic Economic Models (MSc) and Empirical Industrial Organization (RM/PhD) and advising five PhD students. I also regularly supervise MSc and BSc thesis research.
I am the Managing Editor of The Econometrics Journal.
I live in Amsterdam with my wife Barbara. We have a daughter, Hanne, and son, Bram. I have been in a band since 1991. After some persistent nudging, Spotify recently recognized us as “artists”.
Note: A while back, I broke my old website; this is a placeholder for a new one I am building.